Monday, July 20, 2009

Family & Friends

God bless them :D

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Friday, July 17, 2009

Go BIG, or go home. has been tough.
Academically, it has been draining and discouraging, but hopefully I'll be able to give it my best and pull out with whatever happens.
Spiritually, it has been even more tough. The car broke down again, and it has just been frustrating asking people for rides to and fro, but praise the Lord for their serving hearts! It has been tough, but I'm %100 sure that God is growing me through all these trials- and man, are they trials.

Not sure if I'll be able to do JrCamp anymore. One being due to finals week- a debate between serving the Lord through faithful academics, or serving the Lord by being a camp counselor. Both, to me, are HUGE sacrifice. At one corner, I risk my academics being forever tainted, at the other corner I give up what I love to do. Decisions, decisions.

I was told yesterday that I need to be better at playing the guitar to make the music sound good during Bible study because that's how some people find their application afterwards....just didn't sit too well with me. I understand that I should serve in this manner, but really? do I need to worry about sounding good for other people? Honestly, I don't think God even cares HOW I sound, He rather I play one cord out of tune the entire time, then have me not worship Him.
Crazy world we live in.

I need to toughen up.
The other day after Sunday service, my sg and I went out to eat at Potbellies'. They now have this option where you can order a larger sandwich (approx. 30% larger) for about a buck more. As I was debating this delima, I asked, Elmo for his opinion. He quickly replied, "Go BIG, or go home".
Kinda sums up a Christian's life, huh. I feel that God is always telling us to "Go BIG". As we pray and ask for whatever it is we petition for, God calls us to "Go BIG", or have more faith in prayer! We have to learn to trust God with the BIG stuff in life, especially through prayer. Go on, pray for the improbable, we have a God who does the impossible! Originally when I started this paragraph, I had no intent of focusing on prayer. I simply loved the concept of- taking heart, be courageous, trust the Lord with everything, don't be afriad to fail, aim big miss little. As I typed it slowly evolved into simply having faith in God's soverign hand. When you pray, do you really mean it? When you witness to someone about Jesus, do you honestly believe you have changed for the better? When you say to someone, "praise God", is that what you want to do? Do you believe that as you serve in whatever field, whatever action, whomever, that all they/all you really need is some more of Jesus?
As my thoughts start to trail off, I am reminded of this great story about a little child. A town was suffering from a drought for serveral months. The people gaterher together and decided that they needed to pray for rain- so they did. They prayed that tomorrow would be the day it rains! When the next day came along all the townspeople gather for a meeting outside, but it was this lone child who brought an umbrella.
Let's pray now.

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Training Day

The day started like a typical Monday. I'd wake up at 650am and make it just in time for MP.

(Great stuff really. Going to miss it after I leave this campus. The older folk here who move off campus always tell us the difficulties of finding a place/group/the time to just pray like that.)

Normally, I'd walk to the church where MP is at, but lately, I've been driving there instead. I get there, park, pray with my summer small group, then head back to the car. I then proceed to turn the ignition key, expecting the engine to turn over, but there was no sound.

Prior to entering the car JohnKim remarked, "Hey, that's a good car." Responding with a shrug, I didn't think much about it. Lo and behold the car didn't start. So I did what every rational American does- freak out and call pops! I ended up leaving the car at a meter for a good six hours.

Yup, during this time I was pretty annoyed.

Graciously, God has blessed me with some awesome friends. Both Sharon and Bum offer their services. BLahBlahBlah car worked on and off throughout the day, got lost after shopping for noodle ingredients for small group, half an hour late for work, stuck at another meter after work, and stranded with a small group member at a local grocery store with the car-that-refuses-to start, tons of errors made leading praise, cleaned a mountain of dishes, took out bags of trash, and gah! Just thinking about all of it!

Man. What a baby.

I title this entry training because that's exactly how I felt today was. I am confident that everything God does, everything I'm put through has it's reason(s). They may not be known to me now, but God will reveal it in his time. AND I, being the "instant gratificati" that I am, really want to know right away!

However, that is not the point. This is- do I see my work- studying, ILL Runner, friend, roommate, summer school volunteer, small group co-leader, whatever- as GOOD?

By GOOD, I mean the way God intended it to be in Genesis 1:27-28 --> Work then was meant to image God, but because of sin into this world, I tend to focus more on 3:16-19 in Genesis...where am I going at here? No idea! That's why this is a blog.

Faithfully doing work the way God intended will be my goal.

Today through all the turmoil and what not, the moments that hit me the most were-
one: getting change for the meter I went to the local gas station. The clerk there was SO nice. She greeted me right away with a "Hi", and I responded similarily and asked for a few quarters in change. A few observations on the amount of change they had, etc and I leave. Being as curtous as I am (haha) I say, "Thank you very much" with no expectaions whatsoever ( I even think it was just out of habit- didn't reallly mean it, just came out)-with a big smile on her face, she then replied "You are SO welcomed."

I honestly believe she was faithfully doing her job, just doing her best in whatever it was. I have no idea if she was a believer or not. If she was "Praise GOD!" What an encouragement! If she was not, man....what a rebuke and Praise God. It's so difficult to articulate the joy, excitement, the whatever I felt through the clerk's simple task of taking my money! Through their actions of faithful work, I was so blessed! No idea why God worked in that way, he just did.

Few more stories but there are too many to type out! Hope I won't forget them.

God is so good. Though the day was one of the toughest I've had in a while, I felt as if the Lord was training me just to have faith. With that faith am I able to see the GOOD inherent value in the work he has provided for me? Don't know. I will try my best!

There is ZERO conherence in this thing, but I guess it's good to try and articulate the day by whatever means.
I hope God reads this.
Must work on condensing these entries.
Image God in whatever work he has given you. Stay faithful to the end!

Therefore I do not run aimlessly, nor fight like a man beating the air. But I beat my body and make it my slave, so that after I have preached to others, in the End I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.
Something like that from 1 Corinthinans 9...


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Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Cherish-care for: be fond of; be attached to

Anticipate-be excited or anxious about
Pray-beg: call upon in supplication; entreat

I cherish the memory of waking up on a sunny Sunday morning to the noise of a busy kitchen- mom at the stove making breakfast, and dad at the table with his fresh cup of Foldgers coffee.

I cherish the memory of walking into the kitchen one afternoon, peering out the window, and seeing my grandma tending to the various vegetable and melons in the garden.

I cherish the memory of how my good friends use to be. The joys of praying together, and the tears of fighting over the same girl we, for some odd reason, all had a crush on at once.

I anticipate today when someone will, in some way, at some time, at their knowledge or not, put a smile across my face.

I anticipate today when God will hit me with the fact that, "Henny, you've messed up. Try again, I've got your back!".

I anticipate today when I talk with anyone, laugh with everyone, encourgae someone, sing to one, and (hopefully) make fun of no one.

I pray that each day I'll love God just little more.

I pray that one day work and selfishness will succumb to my Lord, family(parents, siblings, wife, kids), and friends.

I pray each day that I'll trust God with the future.

I pray for the day when one day I'll finish work, pull into the drive way at home, and run through the door to embrace the wife and kids.

word to the wise:
Proverbs 3:5-6

Thoughts of myself after this entry:
I hope this journal keeps up...!

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